Benefits Summary

Ornate door

St. Edward's University offers a variety of benefits to help employees and their families maintain health and provide financial protection.

Current Employees: View your current benefit options. Whether you're a faculty or staff member, it’s important that you review your options each year and ask any questions to make sure you are participating in the plans that meet your needs. 

Transparency in Coverage: The Transparency in Coverage final rule, released on October 29, 2020, 要求健康计划通过 machine-readable files (MRFs). 这些文件将包含网络内协商的费率信息, 除了可能无法提供独特付款方法的提供商.

MRFs are intended for researchers, regulators, and application developers; as such, they are written in computer code, not English. MRF不包含任何福利细节或会员的个人健康信息. 通过UnitedHealthcare, UMR代表St创建并发布机器可读文件. Edward's University.

The benefits information below is only a summary and is not intended as a substitute for more detailed plan documents. Although every effort is made to ensure accuracy, 福利如有变动,恕不另行通知. 如果您希望获得更多信息,请联系人力资源办公室.


Benefits Guide


Summary of Benefits

Regular full-time staff employees earn 10 days of paid annual leave during their first 12 months of employment and 15 days of paid annual leave during the second year of employment. 工作满5至15年的员工有18天的带薪年假. Employees with more than 15 years of service accrue 20 days of paid annual leave each year of employment. 定期兼职员工按比例获得年假. 工作满三个月后,应计年假方可使用. 最多120小时可以结转到7月1日开始的新财政年度.

Faculty leave information is available in the faculty manual.

The PPO dental insurance plan offers employees the ability to see the dentist of their choice or a network dentist. 当使用网络提供商时,半年度清洁率为100%. 在达到年度免赔额后,其他治疗的覆盖范围为80%或50%. 牙科服务有一个历年最高津贴. Orthodontia benefits are also available for children and adults; a separate lifetime maximum benefit applies.

员工的工资支票可以直接存入大多数地区银行, credit unions or savings and loans.

The EAP provides valuable services at no cost to employees and their family members in the form of services, 如短期咨询和法律、财务咨询.

The Recreation and Athletic Center provides students, faculty, and staff with first-rate athletic facilities, including fitness center, basketball court, and racquetball/handball courts.

This tax-savings benefit allows employees to set aside money each calendar year to pay for eligible health care and/or dependent care expenses through pre-tax payroll deductions.

正式雇员可享受医疗保障计划. Spouses and eligible children may also be covered. 保险适用于雇用日期的当月的第一天或之后.

这项减税福利适用于参加高免赔额健康计划的雇员. 大学代表雇员向该账户提供免税捐款. 雇员也可以在税前基础上增加额外的工资供款.

St. 爱德华学校在以下假期放假:7月4日, Labor Day, SEU Founder's Day (3rd Friday in October), Thanksgiving (Thursday & 星期五),平安夜到元旦,马丁·路德·金. Day, Good Friday, Memorial Day and Juneteenth. Student holidays are reflected in the Academic Calendar. View the staff holiday schedule.

St. Edward's University understands the importance and benefits of breastfeeding for babies and extends support by establishing guidelines to support Lactation Accommodation 对于选择继续母乳喂养的教职员工, nursing, or expressing milk after returning to work. 虽然哺乳区主要是供员工使用的, 作为哺乳父母的学生也可以进入哺乳区. Providing lactation accommodations aligns with the university's commitment to supporting individuals to balance school, work, and personal lives.

目前,有两个专门的房间,以满足护理父母的需求 约翰·布鲁克斯·威廉姆斯南楼272室,弗莱克大厅202室. 指定的哺乳室不是单人使用的房间, therefore, 每个地点的标牌应标明房间目前是否有人使用. If multiple individuals require the use of the lactation room at the same time and are comfortable sharing the space, access to the locked room should be permitted. 每个房间都是安全的,配有锁、冰箱、座位和电源插座. 当然,如果员工愿意,他们可以使用自己的私人办公区.

The university provides all regular employees with basic life insurance coverage at 1x their annual base salary (up to $250,000). An equivalent amount of AD&D coverage is also provided. Coverage is reduced at age 65 and 70.

This salary continuation plan pays up to 60% of a covered employee's monthly salary after a period of total disability lasting more than 6 months. The university pays the entire premium for all eligible employees (employees appointed for 6 months or longer at half-time or greater). Coverage is effective the first day of the month following the employment date for exempt employees and the first day of the month following the completion of two years of regular employment for non-exempt employees.

For on-campus employee parking, including the parking garage on Moody Drive, you must purchase an annual, tax-free parking permit through payroll deduction.

Employees are automatically enrolled into the university's Retirement Plan after one year of eligible service. Employees may contribute 5% of their monthly salary on either a pre-tax or an after-tax (Roth) basis and the university contributes 7%. 雇员供款将默认为税前选项. 对罗斯计划感兴趣的员工需要填写一份表格 Salary Reduction Agreement form. Employees may select one of the investment choices offered in the TIAA lineup or choose to be automatically enrolled in a default lifecycle fund. 那些希望退出的人必须填写并提交适当的文件. 符合条件的员工可获得先前的高等教育服务学分.

Faculty: Regular, full-time faculty employees accrue paid sick leave at the rate of one week per semester credited in August and January during their first year of eligible employment. Beginning with the second year of regular employment, full-time faculty employees receive one calendar month of sick leave credited at the beginning of the fall semester. 定期、兼职教员按比例享有带薪病假. 累计6个月未用病假.

Staff: 正式全职员工每月可享受8小时的带薪病假. 正式的兼职员工按比例享有带薪病假. 可累计640小时未用病假.

This salary continuation plan pays up to 60% of a covered employee's weekly salary after a period of disability lasting more than 7 days. 雇员为这个可选的保险支付全部保险费. 保险适用于雇用日期的当月的第一天或之后.

补充退休计划适用于所有员工,并由TIAA管理. This plan may be of special interest to employees not yet eligible for the retirement plan or who may wish to contribute more than the 5% permitted under the retirement plan.

The Supplemental Retirement Plan Roth Option is available to all employees and is administered by TIAA. This plan may be of special interest to employees who wish to make after-tax contributions to the retirement plan.

All regular employees and their eligible dependents may participate in the voluntary Supplemental Term Life Insurance Plan.

Tuition Exchange is open to children of full-time regular employees who have at least three years (36 months) of continuous service at the time the student enrolls.

在完成三个月的正式工作后, 全日制(40小时)的员工每学期可以在St. Edward's. The spouse and child(ren) of regular full-time employees may take courses at a 50% reduction in tuition. 在完成两年(24个月)的常规课程后的第一学期开始生效, full-time service, 受抚养人的福利增加到学费减免100%. Employees who are enrolled at St. 爱德华的每学期超过6个学分是没有资格享受这个福利的. 兼职员工(少于40小时)不符合学费减免的条件.

The Public Service Loan Forgiveness (PSLF) Program is a federal program that forgives the remaining balance on your Direct Loans after you have made 120 qualifying monthly payments under a qualifying repayment plan while working full-time for a qualifying employer. St. Edward’s University is a qualified employer for the PSLF program as a tax-exempt entity under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code (IRC).

Employees are eligible for University Federal Credit Union membership and may authorize deductions from their paychecks to the credit union and/or have their paychecks directly deposited in their account.

该愿景计划为参与者提供通过网络提供商之一进行的年度检查. 为眼镜和隐形眼镜提供共付费用和津贴. Discounts are available for Lasik procedures.

Worker's Compensation Insurance pays all reasonable costs of medical care resulting from an on-the-job injury. 受伤必须立即报告给员工的主管和人力资源部.

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Monday–Friday, 8 a.m.– 5 p.m.


Premont Hall
Room 130

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(512) 448-8587